Observational & Differentiation Methodologies [2]

Observational & Differentiation Methodologies for Fungi :
1) Fungi : A fungus is a derived from Latin fungal & fungus both words are from latin with probable Greek root Spongos "Sponge" fungus is singular & fungi is plural form fungus mean in english Mushroom.

                      Microscopic View

2) Suitable Media : Cultivation medium which provides fungi to essential & must have all requiremnents in vitro.This suitable media is artificial which are prepared in labs to get best growth of fungi.Which plays epic role but to play this important role some very vital factors required for the growth of fungi.Media containing nutritional values for the growth of fungi which is in the growth medium have name Sabouraud Dextrose Agar & Potato Dextrose Agar used to grow fungi with low pH means acidic media containing high Carbohydrates source, Nitrogen source required 5 to 6 pH & temperature range from 15°C to 37°C where the PDA final pH can be of 5.6 ± 0.2 at 25°C.


3) Incubation Period :
Fungi are grows very slowly thats why it can take upto 4 weeks or longer so traditionally incubation of fungi to obtain the optimum growth.Time the required we just discussed above now the temperature they required warm environment to grow & some of them the species shows the very good growth at warmer temperature which can be 70°F to 80°F around fungal growth rates of optimum temperature around 25°C to 30°C while at high temperature lower results can be found.
Fungi can grow in very low humidity level water leakage is sufficient for the growth for moisture condensation of growth.


4) Staining for Fungi :
Staining technique for fungi contains specific staining which helps a lot in the identification of fungi & molds also contribute in the microscopic examination such as stains are used to eloborate fungi species morphologies and gives visual understanding towards this which helps an ovserver always this is how stainings technique role in fungi identification.
Now we will know avout the various staining of fungi identification.
Stainings -
i) Lacto phenol Cotton Blue (Most Common)
ii) India ink stain/nigrosin
iii) Wright Stain
iv) Calcofluor white stain
v) Hematoxylin stain
vi) Periodic Acid Schiff (PAS) Stain

      Lactophenol Cotton Blue Stain Sample

5) Indentification & Confirmation :
Fungi are identified by their morphologies colony characteriatics where microbiological & microscopic examination have equal role in confirmation & identification of fungi microscopic examination of slides typically helps the sample sometimes it can also applied by staining technique in detection of fungi identification morphologies in culture.Fungi have mycelium & spores which are used in the identification mycelium (hyphae) used to selection of fungal elements some species can also be identified by looking  through microscopic at the patterns on their tiny spores can be observe by shape, size, colors context.
                          Colony Characters

6) Appearance on Media :
The most common media used for the fungi growth is Porato Dextrose Agar (PDA) & Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA).
PDA stimulates the sporulutions and pigmentations also cultivation in pathogenic & non-pathogenic fungi on PDA plates colonies appears of Aapergillus niger  white with typical black spores.

                 Apperance On Media

7) Conclusion : 
PDA is general purpose basal media for the identification & cultivation which can be used to fungi isolation cultivation.


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