Classification of Micro-Organisms based on Morphology :-

Classification of Micro-Organisms Based on Morphology :

Hey Hi ! 

Are you ready for the next one ?

 so let Dive in Ocean the of knowledge with Concept Of Microbiology ,

Today's topic as you recite in Title Classification Of Micro-Organisms based on the Morphology.

as we are going to explore the morphology of the micro-organisms means How actually Micro-Organisms appears and there over all shapes and sizes and how to actually looks like,

"Morphology is defined as the study of the size, shape and structure of animals, plants and microorganisms and of the relationship of their constituent parts. The term refers to the general aspects of the biological form and arrangement of the parts of a plant, an animal and Microorganism."

Exploring & Observing the Micro-Organisms by their sizes , shapes and Structures , How actually they appears to the Observer and this Process of Observations of Micro-Organisms is very epic and interesting facts about to knowing the things isn't it ?  

Yeah Of Course it is ! 

Here we will know and learn about the Morphology -

appearance of the organisms and way that they actually what have is nothing but the well defined sizes , shapes and structure observed from the Microscopic manner and dealing with Morphologies.

So ,

Morphology is basically derived from Greek and is a makeup of Morph-meaning 'Shape,form', and -Ology which means 'the study of something'. and its nothing but image or well diagramatic representation or information form of the objects i.e.Micro-Organisms.

For better understanding please give a look the following Figures :-

Fig. Shapes of Bacterial Cell

Fig. Visual Understanding towards Shapes of Bacterial Shapes
Fig. The Microscopic View
Fig. Shapes & Structures
Fig. Shapes & Structures

Depending upon the sizes ,shapes and structure of the any organism each having specific pattern where they are known by the following terms :-

1.Coccus or Cocci : These Bacteria are known as Cocci (from kokkos meaning berry) having lack of motility due to their shapes which are spherical shaped means they are look like small spheres round or Oval shaped in nature.

they are as follows -

-Monococcus : these type of bacteria are refers as Monococcus because they are single so they are known as "Monococcus".

-Diplococci : these type of bacteria are refers as Diplococci because they are in pair form so they are known as "Diplococci".

-Tetrads : these type of bacteria are refers as Tetrads because  they are group of four cocci that's why they are known as "Tetrads".

-Sarcinae : these type of bacterial cell refers as Sarcinae because they are group of eight cocci together that's why they are known as "Sarcinae".

-Streptococci : these type of bacteria are refers as Streptococci because they are in chain form one by one connected to each other so they are known as "Streptococci".

-Staphylococci : these type of bacteria are refers as Staphylococci because they are in bunch forms like Grapes so that's they are known as "Staphylococci".

-Micrococci : A small spherical bacterium especially a genus of (micrococcus) of gram-negative chiefly harmless bacteria that typically occurs in irregular clusters.

Note : These type of Bacteria are Non-motile in nature means they cannot move.

2.Bacillus or Bacilli : These Bacteria are known as Bacillus( from baculus means rod) which are rod shaped cells and looks like tiny rod when observed in the Microscope these are the micro-organisms which are motile as well as non motile in nature.

Note : Motile means they can move which called as "Motility" movement  with help of Flagella which allow them to take action i.e.Support.

3.Vibrios : Vibrio are the type of  bacterial cell which are comma shaped curved rod cells these cell name derived from their characteristics vibratory motility.

4.Spirilla : Spirilla are rigid spiral type of bacterial cells singularly known as Spirillum.

5.Spirochetes : Spirochetes are type of bacterial cell which are having  many coils they have in their shape the name derived from two words combination Speira meaning Coil and Chaite meaning hair which are flexuous spiral forms.

Fig. Shapes Can Observe Above

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