Media : Introduction to Physical,Chemical & Functional Media

Media : An Introduction to Growth Medium
Media or Simply Growth medium which has all necessory, essential growth factors including Carbohydrates as a source of Suger for bacterial growth requirement which is nothing but the support the bacterial/microbial life can be referred as "Medium" or Media is the plural form of it.
Though microbes present all around us and may present in any environment by naturally but in the laboratory its growth depends on artificial medium where this media are commomly called as Synthetic Media.
As we go further in details of media it opens the variety of of its types of medium where it can be categories into the three basic property dependent availability of constituents and compositions where these are below based states on their properties !
1.Physical State Media 
2.Chemical State Media 
3.Functional State Media 
Such categorization of media can be classified more further into its physical states and occurance in nature preparation and its application to vivid aspect of laboratory by Microbiology Professionals.

1.Physical State of Media :
Physical State of Media are those medium which can be seen and prepared in laboratory where physical factors such as Water & Agar etc can be observational include which are weighed on Analytical Weighing Balanace.
   Physical State Media Pouring Agar in Dish

2.Chemical State of Media :
Chemical State of media is the second most important type of medium in our list where all chemically essentials requirement of growth support in Bacteria.
An example of a selective medium which is chemically define is MacConkey agar It contains bile salts and crystal violet, which interfere with the growth of many gram-positive bacteria and favor the growth of gram-negative bacteria, particularly the Enterobacteriaceae.
     Pink Color Colonies On MacConkey agar

3.Funtional State Of Media :
The functional state of media is the last but very important in media section because all rich content growth medium can be enlist under this special category where this media support almost all organisms gtowth and enriched with each and every angle that microbes need to grow thats why this media is also termed as Funtional Media of State.
       Growth Showing On Enriched Media
Remember please this is just an introduction of about Media and its type we are going to discuss in detailed each and every titile you read on above.
Stay tuned for Next Article on 
Physical Media & Its Types !
Stay Tuned !!!


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