3.Functional Types of Growth Media

Functional Media :
The funtional media are those types of growth media which support the microbial life providing then in rich & abundant supply of essential nutrients & growth ingredients such as source of the carbohydrates & support macro & micro nutrients growth promoters.
Chemicals which includes in it & such as NaClBile salts & Crystal Violet etc.
Such medium further support in funtional manners & aspect goes into three major categories -
1.Enriched Media
2.Selective Media 
3.Differential Media
These are the media which have more than required essentials nutrients vitamins etc. So that each and every bactetria have more than enough to live and grow very easily.
1.Enriched Media :
Enriched media have ability to support wide variety of organisms growth which uses favours of growth particularly microbes over other that why used for fastidious growth known as "Enriched Media".
Enriched medium is the very first type of funtional type of growth medium which have rich with all growth esstentials nutrients and have abundant growth supporting ingredients for the microbial life basically needs such medium are always have more than its requirement growth essentials such aa amino acids, macro & micro nutrients, vitamins & essential nutrients for the support of microbial life such rich source of carbon informs of Carbohydrates/suger in it.
Enriched media is used to obtained the fastidious growth of bacteria.
Examples :
a) Chocolate Agar
b) Blood Agar & 
c) Loeffler Serum.
                        Chocolate Agar
                          Blood Agar
                       Loeffler Serum

2.Selective Media :
Selective media is defined as the medium which is specially used for the selected/ targeted organism only where it provides growth support to desired organisms only while inhibits the others growth by containing growth inhibitors to stop the other un-wanted thus only selected microbes can grow in such media considering specialized environment for growth such media can be termed as "Selective Media".
Examples :  
a) MacConkey's Agar - E.Coli
b) Xylose Lysin Deoxicholate (XLD) Agar -Salmonella
c) Citrimide Agar - Pseudomonas
              MacConkey's Agar for E.Coli
                 XLD Agar for Salmonella
         Citrimide Agar for Pseudomonas

3.Differential Media :
Differential Media are verily third type of functional type of growth media which also used Functional type of growth media provides supports to groups of micro-organism to be visually distinguished by appearance of the colony on the media such media known as "Differential/ Indicator Media".Surface which is nothing but Biochemical reactions/activity of micro-organisms differential media allows bacteria to show differential reactions where colony color is best example of it.
We can consider metabolize & growth support any type of organism but differentiate based on appearance 
Examples :
a) Blood Agar & MacConkey's Agar
b) Mannitol Salt Agar/Levine's Formulation
c) Eosin Methylene Blue Agar etc.
                            Blood Agar 
                      MacConkey's Agar
                      Mannitol Salt Agar 
                             EMB Agar


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