1.Physical State Of Media :

1.Physical State Of Media :
The media which are used on the regular base and are able to handle can se seen and prepared by phyiscally in laboratory by Microbiologist to provide the proper & suitable conditions to the microbes in form of Liquid, Solid & Semi-Solid forms which are commonest form of Physical State can be named as "Physical State Of Media".
To learn more about these type of media we are going to know its three basic types which are routinely used in labs through these preparations and its types we will know more about them.
As in earlier articles we had learn about the state of media Physical, Chemical & Funtional state of media but now we are going to Xplore the Physical State of Media.

Lets Begin !
Physical State Of Media -
First of all we go further in details of Physical State Of Media let me describe its three main types which are ,
i) Liquid Media
ii) Semi-Solid Media
iii) Solid Media 
Hoping it now you are familiar with the names of physical media and its three major types basic to understand Liquid , Semi-Solid & Solid media which is completely depends on the water contain and agar base depending whenever percentage of agar decreases the liquidity of media will increase.
Q ? What is Agar ? Agar is Solidifying agent.
Let Xplore the type & states of Physical Media 
1.Liquid Media : 
What are Liquid Media ?
The Liquid Medium is the first main type of Physical State Of Media in which water content is more where its based on solution which is prepared for purposely as Growth Medium where it termed as "Broth". Broth or Broth Infusions are best example of Liquid Media used for cultovation of microbes where turbidity is considered as the growth occured in Media. Which is Postive Results of Inoculation and Cultivation Of Microbes.
Broth can be placed and prepared in Flask Test Tubes for Cultivation Of Micro-Organisms.
     Liquid State Of Media Known "Broth"
In above image you can clearly observe that Left Tube is more Turbid than Right one 
Where Left is Positive which clearly show that growth is obtained in it while Right Tube shows the crystal & clear view means un-inoculated organisms which is Fresh Broth.

2.Semi-Solid Media :
Semi-Solid media are those media which are comes in between of Liquid & Solid where they are used for the performance of Intermediatory Character for the Growth of microbes.Semi-Solid media contains low percentage of agar i.e. <1 % (less than 1%) of agar agar which acts solidfying agent in medium usually testing for the Motility of Organisms can be done by using Semi-Solid Medium.
Semi-Solid media Such media are soft and are useful in demonstrating bacterial motility and separating motile from non- motile strains of bacteria.
Example :
Certain transport media such as Stuart's and Amies media are semi-solid in consistency. Hugh & Leifson's oxidation fermentation test medium as well as mannitol motility medium are also semi-solid media.

3.Solid Media :
Solid medium is the type of Physical State Media which containing more than 1 % agar agar in it.Solid media is the third major type of media in which is high contains of agar used as Solidfying agent in media preparation by laboratory profesionals.
This kind of percentage may increase from 1% to 5% of the total media where agar agar solidifies the media and enable and allow the colony formation on the surface agar to descrete them ease.
Fact of solid media is that it can be reversible into liquid by providing it heat/temperature about 40°C to 42°C at which agar get solidifies and Agar Melts at the temprature 100°C if its in Solid form.
Note -
Agar exhibits hysteresis, melting at 85 °C (358 K, 185 °F) and solidifying from 32–40 °C (305–313 K, 90–104 °F). This property lends a suitable balance between easy melting and good gel stability at relatively high temperatures.
Example :
Blood agar, Chocolate agar & MacConkey agar etc.
In above image you are able to see various type of media depending upon state i.e.Liquidity and Solidity.
      Left : Broth Media  Right : Solid Media 


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