Cultivation Of Microbes

Cultivation Of Microbes :
1.0 Introduction
1.1 Definition 
1.2 Involved Techniques
1.3 Enlist the Basic Techniques
1.4 Examples 

1.0 Introduction :
Cultivation/Culturing of Bacteria A microbial culture, is a method of multiplying microorganisms by letting them reproduce in predetermined culture media under controlled laboratory conditions. 
Microbial cultures are used to determine the type of organism, its abundance in the sample being tested, or both A pure bacterial culture remains essential for the study of its virulence, its antibiotic susceptibility, and its genome sequence in order to facilitate the understanding and treatment of caused diseases.
1.1 Definition :
Cultivation of Microbes defined as the to ptovide them & fulfilment of their basic required nutrients need to growth requirement so that they can utilize these ingredients and increase their growth by specific or appropriate medium temparature and other growth factors which provides them favourable conditions in them we can easily count well defined media having all necessory and essential nutrients, temperature, humidity and environment essentials.

1.2 Involved Techniques :
Cultivation of Micro-Organisms includes methods of Cultivation and Culturing Techniques these are fixed and standarized methods of Cultivation of Micro-Organisms which are applied by Microbiologists in Laboratory these Techniques are basics and are known as Cultivation Techniques.
1.3 Enlist the Basic Techniques :
Cultivation Techniques Use by Microbiologist in Vitro enlisted as - 👇
i) Inoculation
ii) Incubation
iii) Isolation
iv) Inspection 
v) Identification
These common techniques which are basically used by Microbiologist to Cultivate and study them i.e.Microbes

1.4 Examples :
Cultivation of Microbes best examples depends on Media which can be ;

1.Solid Media :- Agar Agar > MacConkey Agar for E.Coli

2.Liquid Media :- Broth > N.B. > S.aureus

3.Semi Solid Media : Stuart's and Amies Media > Neisseria gonorrhoeae


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