1) Inoculation Technique : Cultivation Of Microbes

1) Inoculation  Technique :
Inoculation is defined as introducing microorganisms into a culture where they can grow & reproduce themselves and Multiplying in 2(n) Nature Multiplication.
Generally it can inoculate bacteria and other microorganisms into a variety of media where they can grow easliy by utilizing nutrients & essential ingredients.
To inoculate microbes we must need specimen/sample which we have to inoculate and so on performing other technique right ?
Yes Of course we need it without source we are unable to do so !
So to inoculate we need to perform collection of specimen collection for the sample what Microbiologist DO ?
As we know nearly any object in our sorroundings and materials have common found around us which serves as source of collection of microbes.
In an example :- what we eat , we inhale & what we drink etc.

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In other word Air, Water, Soil, Food, Our Body Fluids and even tissues have their presence while we can easily collect them by with the help of some specific & fixed standard method which are sampling device by collection of specimen by sterile swab (cotton swab) sterile syringes or some special transport of sample collection system which already holds maintains preserves the microbes culture in sample mode.
This is how sample collection can be done by sorrounding.

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This is how sample is collect and after that it inoculate in method inoculation always in Sterile and Aspetic Condition this is First step or technique from 5 I concept where it requires medium Solid/Liquid Medium.
Solid media is Agar where Liquid medim is named as Broth both are frequently used by Microbiologist for inoculation method when ever these media provide to microbes their growth occured and by varying techmiques such as Streaking,Spreading,Pouring Techniques used to Culture Microbes 

               Water Sample Collection

               Soil Sample Collection


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