Proteoliposome :

Proteoliposome :
Definition :
Proteoliposomes are systems that mimic lipid membranes (liposomes) to which a protein has been incorporated or inserted. During the last decade, these systems have gained prominence as tools for biophysical studies on lipid–protein interactions as well as for their biotechnological applications.
The word liposome derives from two Greek words lipo (fat) and soma (body) it is so named because its composition is primarily of phospholipid.
Discovery :
Liposomes were first described by British haematologist Alec D Bangham in 1961 where it published in 1964 at the Babraham Institute, in Cambridge.
They were discovered when Bangham and R. W. Horne were testing the institute's new electron microscope by adding negative stain to dry phospholipids. 

Construction Of Proteoliposomes :
¹.Proteoliposomes are artificial membrane vesicles of protein and phospholipid that are enormous value in studying solute transport and its instructive to describe how they are made and how some special properties they have.
².The Membrane protein solublized in detergent will integrate into phospholipid bilayer when the detergent is removed by dilution.

              Phospholipid Bilayer Sheet

³.One to prepare phospholipid bilayer is it is diaperse the phospholipid in water where they spontaneously aggregate to form spherical vesicles called 'Liposomes' consisting of concentric rings or layers of phospholipid.
⁴.Liposomes then subjected to high frequency sound waves(sonication oscillation)which breaks them into smaller vesicles sorrounded by single phospholipid bilayer resembling the lipid bilayer found in natural membrane.
⁵.Then the protein which are solublized in the detergent is mixed with sonication phospholipid in presence of detergent buffer.
⁶.The suspensionis diluted into buffer which lower the concentration of detergent.
⁷.The protein leaves the detergent and become incorporated into the phospholipid bilayer.
⁸.The protein and lipid membrane vesicles that are form by all going through procedure and obtained protein & lipid vesicles are known as "Proteoliposomes".

         Courtesy Concept Of Microbiology

Applications :
Proteo-Liposomes are composite structures made of phospholipids and may contain small amounts of other molecules.
Though proteo-liposomes can vary in size from low micrometer range to tens of micrometers, unilamellar liposomes, as pictured above, are typically in the lower size range with various targeting ligands attached to their surface allowing for their surface-attachment and accumulation in pathological areas for treatment of disease.
▪︎It can be used as a drug delivering vehicle.
▪︎This vehicle can be for administration of nutrients.
▪︎Pharmaceutical Products such as Lipid nanoparticles in mRNA Vaccines, and DNA vaccines.


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