Measurement Of Growth : [Cell Mass]

Measurement Of Growth -

[II] Cell Mass :
Dry Weight Measurement : 
The dry weight measurement  is consider under the measurement of the growth in cell mass where the most direct way to measure growth is to quantifying the dry weight of cells in a culture.

The cells are inoculate into medium and incubate 24 to 48 hours and after the incubation this process come in que where centrifugation or filtration , dried to obtained the constant weight at the given temparature 100°C and carefully weighed.

     Oven for remove moisture from Sample

Steps involved in Dry Weight Measurement :
Bacterial Cells > Inoculation into Medium > Incubation > Centrifugation > Pellet or Supernatant > Dry to Constant Weight > Weighed.
The standard calculation I am using is (weight of filter + dried residue (mg) - minus weight of filter (mg)) x 1000, divided by sample volume (ml) to get dry cell weight of algae (mg /L).
Disadvantage :
-Not Very Accurate
-Doesnt Give Cell Number 
-Doesnt Give Increas in Mass
-Cant Distinguish between Live or Dead Cell
-It Works Within Certain Absorbancy >107 & <108
i.e.More than 107 & less than 108


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