Colony Characters or Morphology :

Colony Characters :
In microbiology different types of bacteria produces different types of colonies but to identify each & every one there is a scientific method & key of identification which are Characters produces by colonies each have its own visual appearance of colony which have various characters which helps in examination and identification colony motphology on agar surface to indetify the unknown microbes.

                      Source micromed
Cultural characteristics or colony morphology is play vital role im identify any colony characters which can be based on Size, Shapes, Colors, Margins, Elevations, Consistancy & Opacity. Each have its own existence and comparable changes in each where the characters reveal the all about morphological information helps in examination & identification.
These characters unfold the secrets of colony morphology and show us how a specific bacterial colony can be seen onagar plate.
As the mentioned above various characters are imclude in examination & identification which provides justification about grown bacterial colony on agar.Such characters we are going to learn in the following para where it will be more transparent to understand the Colony Characters.
Lets see how colony colony characters  helps us in identification remember these are the phenotypic characters 
¹.Size -
Size of colony can be varies from tiny colonies to the large one the size can be less than 1 mm called punctiform (pin-point) which can be measure by mm ruler.

².Shape -
As we saw  mentioned in size colony varies its also variation in the shapes of colonies shapes of colonies can be varies from circular to irregular to filamentous & rhizoid (root-like).

³.Edge/Margins -
It can be observe by clearly by using a dissecting microscope by set lens at edges which will helps you to magnified edge shapes for examination.
Edges can be Entire (Smooth), irregular, undulate (wavy type), Lobate, curled, filoform etc.
Colony which have irregular shape/margin are likely to be motile organisms.

⁴.Color/Chromogenesis :
Also known as Biochrome
Pigmentation or color of colony can be observe easily by naked eyes.Colors of colonies can be example of visual apperances like white, buff, red, pink, purple & yellow etc.
Pigmentationof colony is the secondary metabolites of organisms.Where the some pigments are soluble in water while some are not.

⁵.Opacity :
Opacity means examination of transparency of colonies om agar surface the opacity of colonies includes Transparent (clear) , Opaque (not clear) , Translucent (looking through frosted glass) , Iridescent (changes color in reflected light).

⁶.Elevation :
Elevation is the character that shows height or growth of colonies above from agar surface.It shows how much colony rise avove from the agar surface (determination of height of colony).
Elevation can be  Flat , Raised , Convex Umbonate , Crateriform.

⁷.Surface :
Surface of colony gives information about surface occurrency  which can be 
Smooth , Rough , Glistening , Dull (opposite of glistening) , Rugose (wrinkled).
⁸.Consistancy or Texture :
Consistancy or Texture can be observe by touching colonies with the help of sterile loop consistancy or texture can be 
Butyrous (Buttery) , Viscid (stick to loop) ,
Brittle/Friable (dry, breaks apart) , Mucoid (sticky mucus like).

Example :

           Colony Characters Table Form


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