Batch Culture Stages Intro :

Batch Culture - In which a volume of medium is inoculated with small number of an organisms and their growth followed with the Time.This method has number of disadvantages since the culture medium is in a state of continuous change.

¹. Log Phase - First Phase is Log Phase where no net growth occurs (no increase in cell mass) called as Log Phase.

².Exponential Phase - This is followed by Exponential growth where cell mass increases exponentially with the time called as Exponential Phase.
"Cell Division takes place in Exponential Phase"
³.Stationary Phase - After the exponential phase the culture enters in a phase where no net growth obtained where its stationary for the culture called Stationary Phase.

 ⁴.Death Phase - After the stationary phase the period of decline in growth can be observe which causes cells death where cells death occurs in a final stage called as Death Phase.
Note :  By the Growth and Time angle view
The growth of bacterial culture is measure against the time where time increases growth increases but as we are dealing with Culturr it must be goes to die culture organism after specific time.


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