Types of Supporting Media Depending Upon Contents Ingredients Source & Availability

Types Of Supporting Media for Microbes Growth :
The Growth media are used in Microbiological Labs are for the culturing microorganism which prepared or synthesized as growth/ Culture medium are known as Artificial/Synthetic Media.

Here is the reason why they are known as Artificial or Synthetic because they dont occured naturally or present in the Nature these prepared in Labs on this classification of Lab Preparation content of each medium are known or unkown.
For the better understaning we are going through their categaries
1)Chemical Defined Media
2)Complex Media 
3)Enriched Media
So lets see the above Media in detailed

1) Chemically Defined Media :
Chemically defined medium in which all ingredients are known that defines which are
Basically depending upon known and certain amount of chemical which are known referred as "Chemically Defined Medium".
As mentioned above this media is artifical and prepared in lavoratory by adding exact or known amount or grams components such as Carbohydrates , amino acids & salt ect.
As we are discussing Chemically Defined Media so it must to be mention the "Photo-litho-autotrophs".
Because these are the organisms which are preparing their foods dependent upon Light-Chrmical-Self Preparing
Thats why they are termed as Photolithoautotrophs.

Cyanobacteria and Eukaryotic algae  such organism can grow relatively on simple media which contain CO2 which play a source of carbon while other side Nitrate or Ammonia  is utilizes as the Source of Nitrogen source and Sulphate and Phosphate play vital role of essential Minerals for the "Chemo-organo-trophs" These can grow in defined with Glucose as Carbon source & ammonium salts as Nitrogen source.

Now we are going to diacuss follow the second most important type of medium which is suffiently richer and meets complete nutritional requirements for microbes i.e.Complex Media

2) Complex Media :
Complex Medium is defined as the sufficiently richer and complete nutritional requirementa for microbes in which undefined ingredients for the growth having unable to unknown exact contents in it this type of medium is termed as "Complex Medium".
Complex media fulfils the requirements of many different types of microorganisms.
Complex media have undefined contents such as Peptones , Meat Extracts , Yeast Extracts 
Where , 
●Peptones - Peptones are proteins of partial proteolytic digested meat.
Casein , Soya Meal , Gelatin and other proteins are Carbon as Energy Source & Nitrogen as Source of proteins.

●Beef Extract - The Beef extracts are here obtained from in aquous extracts form from learn beef which contain amino acids , peptides , nucleotides , organic acids , minerals and vitamins are most vital ingredients which are covered from Beef extracts.

●Yeast Extract - The Yeast extracts here means in the complex media brewer's yeast which is great source of vitamin B and having Carbon & Nitrogen Compounds.
The most Common and Frequently used Media are Nutrient Broth , Tryptic Soya Broth and MacConkey's Agar.

3) Enriched Media :
Enriched media as its name suggesting and giving information about it self i.e.Rich in Supply and special nutrient which promotes the growth which is enough for microbes requirements known as "Enriched Media".
The enriched media can be liquid or solid forms if the media is in thr liquid form is called as "Broth Medium" where the Solid media called as "Agar" containing medium simply called "Agar Medium".

Both the Agar & Broth Supports Fastidious growth of organisms because of its containing richer contents & special nutrients provided in it which fulfilled the Complex and Environmental requirements Solid medium get solidifies by the solidifying agent which is 'Agar-Agar' 
Examples : 
Nutrient Agar
Blood Agar 
Chocolate Agar


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