Growth Of Microbes

Growth Observation :

After the plating technique inoculated plates are incubate at 37°C after incubation growth can be observe development of colonies can be easily seen by naked eyes after 24 hours of incubation which results as the various colonies grown on agar plate surface which shows difference between colonies to each other helps in the identification of bacterial colony because each individual species forms the separate colony and have its own introduction and characters.

The appearance of the colonies can be observed by their Colors , Size and Shapes which is known as "Morphology".

Foe more information on Morphology visit link below 👇

Most of them are rapid cell growth supporting organism or bacteria because those which are "Mesophiles" and growth occurs at the edge of the colony is more are rapid and proliferated while growth is much slower in the 'Center' of the colony which means cell autolysis takes place in the central portion of the colonies because its central portion is older then the edge portion.

Such differences can be easily observes in the growth appearance due to gradient of Oxygen , Nutrients & toxix products in within the colonies
Cells which are grown at the edges of colony are more intresting and well grown enough because of the Oxygen & Nutrients at that region of the media or colonies have plentiful while the cells which are in the central portion of the colonies are in the race of living and achieving requirements of nutrients as compare to the edges rapid grown cells beacuse in the center Chemotoxins produces in centre of the colonies.

Bacteria which grows on the solid surfaces such as Agar can form 'Complex' colony shapes while in the Liquid(Broth) surface it appears to role of 'Patterns' formation these patterns varies with the availability of nutrients diffusion and depending bactetial chemotoxins.

                      Patterns Growth

                    Complex Growth


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