Phospho-Transferase System : (PTS)

Phospho-tranaferase System : (PTS)
Group Translocation :
In group translocation solute molecules are move across membrane without modification and taken by group translocation Phospho-transferase is the 
Best example of it in which Phospho-enol-pyruvate means phosphorylation of suger by Phospho-transferase System (PTS) 
as earlier mentioned above Various sugers goes under phosphorylating process bu utilizing the Phosphoenolpyruvate (PEP) as  phosphate donor whats why its known as Phospho-transerase System (PTS).

PEP+Suger(outside)----->Pyruvate+Suger-P (inside)
While in E.coli & Salmonella typhimurium consists two enzymes with low molecular weight heat stable protein called (HPr) & Enzyme Ist (EI) these are cytoplasmic.
While Enzyme IInd (EII) is more variable im structure & often composed of three domains/subunits.

domains/subunits of EII i.e. E (Second)
EII-A : is cytoplasmic & soluble
EII-B : is hydrophilic but attached to EII-C
EII-C : is hydrophobic protein embedded in membrane.
High energy phosphate is transferred from PEP to Enzyme II (EII) with aid of Enzyme I (EI) & HPr.
Suger molecule is phosphorylated as it carried out across membrane by Enzyme II (EII).
Enzyme II (EII) transports only specific sugers which varies with PTS where the Enzyme I (EI) & HPr are common to all PTS.
PTS are widely distributed in Prokaryotes and in Aerobic bacteria lack PTS genera Escherichia , Salmonella , Staphylococcus & othet facultative Anaerobic bacteria have  phosphotraaferase systems ;
Some obligate anaerobes (Clostridium) also have PTS's.
Many Carbohydrates transports by this system E.coli takes up Glucose , Fructose , Mannitol , Sucrose , N-acetylglucosamine & Cellobiose are comes under group translocation.


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