Passive Transport Process

✓ Microbial Transport Mechanism :
2.Passive Transport : 
Passive transport as its name showing its meaning which means gradual or slow ...
The Passive transport is the second most important mechanism of transportation which dont utilize the any energy like Active Transport where Passive Transport depends on its Kinetic Energy mean no ATP involvement im this process.
The Substances transport through the membrane from area of high concentration to low concentration area of cell membrane whithout expenditure of enrgy (ATP) the Sub type of Passive Transport / Diffusion are ;
a.Simple Diffusion 
b.Osmosis &
c.Facilitated Diffusion Transport Mechanisms.
The Four main kinds of passive transport are simple diffusion, facilitated diffusion, filtration, and/or osmosis.
Diffusion is the net movement of material from an area of high concentration to an area with lower concentration. 
The difference of concentration between the two areas is often termed as the concentration gradient, and diffusion will continue until this gradient has been eliminated. 
Since diffusion moves materials from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration, it is described as moving solutes "down the concentration gradient" (compared with active transport, which often moves material from area of low concentration to area of higher concentration, and therefore referred to as moving the material "against the concentration gradient").


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