Culture Media 🧫

Culture Media :
Culturing Micro-organism is the totally different aspect of its growth well this amazing thing happen when different types of culture media are used to provide them essential ingredients and isolation of them as a whole complete standaed procedure where it is known as "Pure Culture".

               Image Courtesy : Wikipedia

Hope you are now familiar with the above defintion and now can know what we are going to deal with ...
So without loosing time ,
Lets Dive in Ocean of Knowledge with Concept Of Microbiology 
Learn about Culture Medium ...
As we know the Microbes needs their nutritional value which is backbone of them to grow in the Environment.
Similarly ,
Here we are going to discuss their growth in Artificial Environment i.e. Laboratory
In the Laboratory Microbes or Bacteria are cultured normally by providing them either Liquid Medium : Example Flasks (Small to Big) in Vessels or in Conatiner termed as Fermenters.
Solid Medium : The Solid media are can support the growth in the form of Petri Dishes also Known as Petri Plates or Simply Plates Which are round which may be Glass or Plastic depending upon Lab Requirement.
The Microbes are Inoculate in the above to media as mentioned above 
Where ,
Simple inoculation is nothing but the introducing microbes in or on to the suitable media which are growth medium which has all essentials growth factor called on these media this process is called "Inoculation".

I) Inoculation 🧫 :

The process of transfering Microbial Biomass to media or introducing it on media this whole process known as "Inoculation".

Nichrome Wireloop OR Inoculating Loop :
The lab equipment which has loop on its starts made from Nickel & Chromium Alloy Known as Inoculating Loop or Simply Nichrome wire Loop.

To understand the further methods and Growth Medium We also need to know about the Inoculation , Prototrophs & Auxotrophs.
For more clear and simple understanding about for Growth isolation of pure culture.
Inoculation as discussed above latter.

II) Prototrophs :
The prototrophs are defined as  the Microbes which dont required depend on others nutrients for their growth because they can synthesizes their own all requiref ingredients which are basics for them Known as "Prototrophs".

an organism or cell capable of synthesizing all its metabolites from inorganic material, requiring no organic nutrients.

A microorganism that has the same nutritional requirements as the parent organism.
Culture medium must required all the nutrients for growth example like Water , Source of Energy , Carbon , Nitrogen , essential inorganic ions and trace elements.

Auxotrophs :
Auxotrophs are defined as the microbes which becomes adapted to life in situation with nutrients and growth factors provided them such Microbes Called as "Auxotrophs".

Auxotrophs are microorganisms that are unable to synthesize an essential nutrient because of a gene mutation.

Many laboratory strains carry multiple mutations that interfere with the synthesis of essential nutrients.

These are mutant strain of microorganism having nutritional requirements additional to those of the normal organism.

Most of these are survives in the outside situation  where microbes adpated to life in a situation of rich nutrients example human body may required for the growth factors such as Vitamins , Nitrogenous bases are sufficent for them to fulfill the Amino acid requirements such are got name in list as Auxotrophs....

The media which are utilizes in Laboratory for cultivation of Bacteria or Microbes known as Artificial Media Because they are made in Laboratory dont occured naturally also called Synthetic Media.

Media can be categarizes by many ways but one of them to categarize best is exact contents media have in it.


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