c) Facilitated Transport Mechanism

Passive Transport Mechanism :
c) Facilitated Transport Mechanism :
This is the type of diffusion which is passive known as Facilitated Diffusion/transport Mechanism in this Diffusion the diffusion rate is totally depends upon the Selectively Perimeable Membrane increases by #Permeases which are nothing but the #Carrier #Proteins
Which is increased by using carrier proteins and Furhter Known as Permeases as Above mentioned these carrier proteins are embedded in the Plasma Membrane of a cell here its name is Facilitated Diffusion/Transport of substances is depends on Carrier proteins thats why its known by Facilitated Diffusion/Transport Mechanism.

Speciality of these permeases are they also similarly enzymes to be transport closely related to solutes carrier is selective & does not required any kind of energy input because of this molecules can continue enter to as long as they have greater concentration on the outside
These proteins channels in bacteria have two major intrinsic protein channels in bacteria called #aquaporins that transport #Glycerol & #Water by Aquaporins.

When after binding of molecules outsides of the cell carrier porin channel changes conformation & relsease the molecules inside of the cell the carrier would be change back in its original shape & ready to pick up the another molecule
This transportation mechanism is drive by Concentration Gradient which sequentially therefore back its original form thats why this process is #Reversible.
Organism which utilizes #Facilitated #Diffusion #Transport #Mechanism used to transport #Gylcerol in E.coli , Salmonella typhimurium , Pseudomonas etc.
While in the Eukaryotes its prominent where it uses to transport variety of Sugers & amino acids.


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