Source & Energy for Micro-organisms :

Source & Energy Depending :
Are basically categaries the organisms by depending upon nutritional and energy dependent which play a great role in their uptake functions.Organisms need carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, and a source of electrons.
Role Of These Atoms Are Describes Below & Their Contribution in Organisms Cells Formation & Growth...
CARBON (C) is needed to synthesize the organic molecules from which organisms are built.  . Electrons also are needed to reduce molecules during biosynthesis (the reduction of CO 2   to form organic molecules).
Hydrogen is a also important elements found in many organic molecules.
Hydrogen is an important component of water. Because of water, cells of the remains hydrated and help in removing toxins.
Nutrients are also transported to the cells, joints remains lubricated and make immune system strong. - Hydrogen helps in producing energy in the body.
Carbon is the primary component of macromolecules, including proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and carbohydrates. 
Carbon's molecular structure allows it to bond in many different ways and with many different elements.
Electrons also are needed to reduce molecules during biosynthesis 
( the reduction of CO 2   to form organic molecules).
Electrons are needed for two reasons as described more completely in the movement of electrons through electron transport chains and during other oxidation-reduction reactions can provide energy for use in cellular work.
The central role of O2 as a nutrient is in mitochondrial respiration, acting as an electron acceptor thereby enabling ATP to be formed through oxidative phosphorylation.
This process is fundamental to aerobic organisms, with the oxidation of glucose and fatty acids requiring the continuous provision of O2.


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