Microorganisms depending upon Nutritional types :

Microorganisms Types Source Dependent Terms :

All organisms requires energy sourcec & electrons for growth

Autotrophs : These types of Organisms can use CO2 as their soul source of Carbon molecules

Most of autotrophs are photosynthetic  while some autotrophs oxidize inorganic molecules from electron transfers process.

Heterotrophs : These types of organisms are depends on pre-formed or readymade organic molecules as Carbon Source

e.g. Glycolysis Process releases energy and NADH in form of energy.

              Autotrophs Vs Heterotrophs

Energy Source Dependent Micro-Organisms :

Phototrophs : phototrophs organism prepared their food from Light Source thats why they are termed as "Phototrophs".

Phototrophs also known as Photoautotrophs/Photoautolithotrophs.

These are the organisms that carry out photon capture to produce complex organic compounds (such as carbohydrates) and acquire energy. They use the energy from light to carry out various cellular metabolic processes.

✓Its depend on light as source of energy 

✓Its depend upon electron inorganic hydrogen/electron

Carbon Source : CO2 (Carbon dioxide).

e.g. Algae , purple and green sulphur bacteria & cyanobacteria

Photo-Organo-heterotrophs :

These are the organism which are depends on light but used organic carbon & hydrogen electrons hydrogen sources which means depend on readymade carbon and electron source hydrogen thats why they are referred as "Photo-Organo-Heterotrophs".

Source : Light 

Source Electron : Organic Hydrogen/electron

Carbon Source : Organic Carbon (CO2) may also used 

e.g. purple and green nonsulphur  bacteria.

Chemo-litho-autotrophs :

These are the types organism which are used chemicals electrons donors group & are autotrophic in nature they utilizes the following sources of energy.

Energy Source   : Chemicals (inorganic)

Electron Source : Inorganic Hydrogen/electron

Carbon Source : CO2 (Carbon dioxide)

e.g. Sulphur Oxidizing Bacteria , Iron Oxidizing Bacteria & Nitrifying Bacteria

Thiobacillus Ferroxidance

Chemo-Organo-Heterotrophs :

These are the types of organisms which are having source of energy utilization Chemical as energy source they are electron donors belonging group and speciality of these organisms uses Organic Carbon Molecules so they are known as "Chemo-organotrophs".

Also known as Chemoorganotrophic heterotrophs.

Energy Source : Chemical Energy Source (Organic)

Electron Source : inorganic hydrogen/ electron donor

Carbon Source : Organic Carbon 

e.g. Protozoan, Fungi, Non-Photosynthetic Bacteria.

The most common nutritional types are Photolithoautotrophs and Chemoorganoheterotrophs

Beggiatoa rely's on inorganic energy sources and organic (sometimes CO2) carbon sources

These microbes are sometimes called "Mixotrophic' or Mixotrophs because they are combine Chemolitho-auto-trophic & heterotrophic metabolic processes.


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