29) Lab Essentials : Autoclave

Microbiology Lab Essentials :
29) Autoclave :
Autoclave Principle/ Working :
The autoclave works on the principle of moist heat sterilization where steam under pressure is used to sterilize the material present inside the chamber.
When this steam comes in contact on the surface, it kills the microbes by giving off latent heat.

An autoclave is a machine that provides a physical method of sterilization by killing bacteria, viruses, and even spores present in the material put inside of the vessel using steam under pressure.

Autoclave sterilizes the materials by heating them up to a particular temperature for a specific period of time.

The autoclave is also called a steam sterilizer that is commonly used in healthcare facilities and industries for various purposes.

The autoclave is considered a more effective method of sterilization as it is based on moist heat sterilization.

The simplest form of the autoclave is the pressure cooker types or laboratory bench autoclaves. 
The following is the detailed description of different components/ parts of an autoclave :

Autoclave Principle or Working image
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