25) Lab Essentials : Bacteriological incinerator

Microbiology Lab Essentials :
25) Bacteriological incinerator :

A Nichrome Wireloop sterilizer 🔥

Principles of incineration : Incineration is a high-temperature dry oxidation process that reduces organic and combustible waste to inorganic, incombustible matter and results in a very significant reduction of waste volume and weight.

Most large, modern incinerators include energy-recovery facilities.

Sterilizing an Inoculation Wand: To sterilize a loop, place it in the hub (opening) of the microincinerator for just a few seconds, until the portion of the inoculation wand that is being sterilized glows red. Once the loop is removed from the incinerator, it almost instantly stops glowing, and within 20 seconds or so, will be cool enough to use.

This sterilization instrument consists of a ceramic tube surrounded by metal and with a hollow portion at the center. When plugged in and turned on, the microincinerator can reach temperatures of 800° (Degrees) centigrade, more than sufficient to incinerate any organic material on an inoculation loop.

How is a Microincinerator Used ?

There are two main purposes for which a bacto-incinerator is used in a college microbiology laboratory:

1.sterilizing an inoculation loop

2.heat fixing bacterial smears onto microscope slides.

     Microincinerator with slide tray for heat         fixing bacterial smears.


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