7) Lab Essentials : Dropper & Immersion Oil

Microbiology Lab Essentials :
7) Lab Dropper : 

a) Lab Dropper :
b) Immersion Oil : i.e.Cedarwood Oil

a) Dropper is a short glass tube with a rubber bulb at one end and a tiny hole at the other, for measuring out drops of medicine or other liquids.
Rubber Bulb Top of the Dropper ehich flows the air in dropper suck and releases air ....
Here You Can Observe Bulb for Release Air

b) Cedarwood Oil : in light microscopy, oil immersion is a technique used to increase the resolving power of a microscope. This is achieved by immersing both the objective lens and the specimen in a transparent oil of high refractive index, thereby increasing the numerical aperture of the objective lens.

Typical immersion oils have a refractive index of 1.51 and a dispersion similar to that of glass coverslips. Light rays passing through the specimen encounter a homogeneous medium between the coverslip and immersion oil and are not refracted as they enter the lens, but only as they leave its upper surface.

Why Cedarwood oil used In microscopy, more light = clear and crisp images. By placing a substance such as immersion oil with a refractive index equal to that of the glass slide in the space filled with air, more light is directed through the objective and a clearer image is observed.

Place a drop of love viscosity, Type A immersion oil on the top of your cover slip and another drop directly on your 100x oil objective lens. Slowly rotate your 100x oil objective lens into place and adjust the fine focus until you get a crisp and clear image.

Special oils are required so as to not damage the lens. The oil should have the same index of refraction as the objective. Your lens should specify what kind of oil should be used with it, either Type A (low-viscosity oil) or Type B (high-viscosity oil).


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